“Why Bees?”
“Why bees?”
That seems to be a question we get a lot here at Buzz Advertising Agency ever since we have branched off from our respected former company, Bottom Line Marketing. The stretch from honey bees to full-service advertising agency seems confusing to some, but not to us! Sure, they may be tiny insects, but their impact on our world is near astronomical.

Did you know one of every three bites of food you take is a direct result of honey bee pollination?
Honey bees account for eighty percent of crop pollination! That’s right, those apples in your fruit bowl at home? Pollinated by a bee.
Their honey is the only food that has all the nutrients essential to sustain life. In other words, you could live off of honey alone!
Looking past the neat bee facts, however, we feel that their hardworking, social personalities embody everything our team offers! A beehive is made up of a queen that is surrounded by many worker bees. At Buzz Ad Agency, we value the importance of our queen leader, Tammy, and her role in ensuring the success of our team.

At the same time, the queen bee also relies on her worker bees to assist in building the colony! Every individual worker bee has their own job to do and it is the cumulative effort that keeps the hive prosperous. In doing this, our hive here in Marquette, MI works together with one collective intention: help the colony triumph! Through our advertising and marketing efforts, we strive to put our best ‘wing’ forward. We want to make sure our clients are satisfied because, to us, they are more than just our clients. They are some of our closest friends and advocates!
Busy Bees
Imagine one ounce of peanut butter. If we’re talking sandwiches, that’s a pretty small quantity. Bees make about 1,600 round trips from hive to flower just to produce one ounce of honey! Can you imagine how many trips that is to make one jar alone? That’s some serious hard work. The end result? We’d say it’s pretty worth it. Delicious, even.

In their 6-8 week lifespan, worker bees fly the equivalent distance of 1.5 times the circumference of the Earth. As a marketing agency, we are always at work. Whether it be TV advertising, radio advertising, social media marketing, or digital marketing, we are consistently on the job with the intention of helping our clients succeed. Like the loyal bee, our team is willing to do what’s required, and beyond, so our clients can reap the end results.
Cross-Pollination: Help Us Help You
Bees feed on pollen and nectar from flowering plants. In turn, this nourishes them while also promoting the growth of the plant. This type of interconnected collaboration is exactly how we look at our own clients. They are the flower that allows us to grow. In turn, our advertising agency pollinates them with incredible branding, out-of-the-box marketing, and killer media production. We want to be the friend beside you as you bloom and we won’t stop until you do! As UP natives, we take pride in our roots and especially find great honor in pollinating locally and partaking in Marquette MI advertising.
A Buzz-ing Hive
So, to your question, “Why bees?” we say: bees are creatures with a mission. They work together incessantly and with intention. In fact, their work is what they value the most because they do so with a greater purpose in mind. Every member of the team is just as valued as the last. When a bee sets its focus on an objective, nothing can stop them from reaching it. Every action is done with the intention of getting just one half-step closer to that end goal.

Bees are loyal, not only to their fellow worker bees but also to their colony, the flowers they pollinate, and their hive as a whole. Bees are creatures that get it done and get it done right, no matter the time it takes or the manpower required. They lean on one another, recognize individual importance, and work as a collective to shape and promote growth. Here at Buzz, we believe a bee’s ideals are the same merits we hope to communicate in every interaction we have.
Become a part of our hive today!