As the year draws to a close, the busy season is only just beginning. With so much to do, there never seems to be enough time in the day. While the job always gets done, that doesn’t dismiss the stress fourth quarter can bring. We’d like to share a few insights that have helped make our busiest season run a little smoother and helped our team work efficiently and at ease.
1. Get a Headstart
Planning ahead never hurt anybody. When it comes to your busiest season, the work can sometimes feel like it never stops piling up. Tasks and projects become a blur and, with each day, your staff becomes more efficient and adept in multitasking. In order to get ahead of the 8-ball, we’ve found it helpful to draft up a game plan for how the coming months will be handled. It’s crucial that every team member understands their role, what type of projects they’ll be working on, and what the season might look like for each client. Having everyone on the same page makes for a cohesive team that works well under pressure (something fourth quarter is full of!) A month or two in advance, think about sitting down with your crew and mapping out what your quarter will look like. Preparation leads to prosperity.
2. Get Organized

Every set of hands offers something different and vital to each client. Whether it be creative, copy for a website, or advertising on social media, every person has a distinct set of skills that play a part in your businesses success. Projects are passed from team member to team member as they creep closer to becoming a finished product. In a cross-functional team, it is essential to make sure that your files, documents, and projects are all easily accessible to help you stay organized. This makes it easier for different employees to pick up where the other has left off without feeling too confused.
While it’s important for the team as a whole to be organized, it’s also smart to encourage every member of your staff to be as well. Keeping track of deadlines, what needs to be done, and client meetings in planners or on calendars can really help keep the scattered brain on target. This is a great way for your employees to remain accountable and remind themselves of what lies ahead so they can best prepare.

3. Have Weekly Meetings
Communication is key. In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to dedicate all of your time to the tasks-at-hand and neglect the time you could be meeting with your team. Coordinating weekly sit-downs will help you ensure that your whole team is not only on the same page, but also on track. As a team we help each other. There’s no man or woman left behind. Weekly meetings provide members of your crew an opportunity to ask for help or guidance if they are struggling. Meetings also offer a space for your team to put their heads together and work on tasks that are more pressing.

4. Stay Caffeinated
Before we advise you to caffeinate yourself, we want to stress the importance of staying hydrated. Now that that’s out of the way…. It’s no secret that 4th Quarter can wear even the most lively person down. Sometimes it can be a struggle to keep that spring in your step and your eyes open behind your computer screen. At Buzz, we’ve always got a pot of coffee hot and ready so we can get back to what we do best as soon as we feel our batteries getting low. Whether it be coffee, 5-hour energy, Red Bull, tea, or pomegranate juice, stay on top of your tasks with your eyes open.
5. Remember That Your Friends at Buzz are Here to Help
Our team is here to walk through the chaos of the busy season with you. We’ll be here, every step of the way, to make the process easier and as smooth as possible. Our bees are always hard at work to ensure that this season you’ll come out on top.
Stay ahead of the game and map out the season before it even begins. Keep your staff from sweating the small stuff by staying organized. Write down all the important events coming up so you can be prepared. Don’t be afraid to communicate. Sure, everyone is busy, but the beauty of working as a team is that you are never alone. Set up weekly meetings to lay out what the week is going to look like and to help your staff feel more comfortable amid the chaos. Oh, and don’t forget your morning cup of hot coffee.