Tips to Help Stay on Top of 4th Quarter

As the year draws to a close, the busy season is only just beginning. With so much to do, there never seems to be enough time in the day. While the job always gets done, that doesn’t dismiss the stress fourth quarter can bring. We’d like to share a few insights that have helped make… Continue reading Tips to Help Stay on Top of 4th Quarter

Redefining the Hive

The bee pollinates the lavender flowers. Plant decay with insects

“Why Bees?” “Why bees?” That seems to be a question we get a lot here at Buzz Advertising Agency ever since we have branched off from our respected former company, Bottom Line Marketing. The stretch from honey bees to full-service advertising agency seems confusing to some, but not to us! Sure, they may be tiny insects,… Continue reading Redefining the Hive